You’ve made it to October. Winter nets that were once a thing of the distant past are now the near future. In between have been six months of sunshine to be spent however you best wished.

For some it meant heading out to Plough the fields of London and it’s surrounding counties alongside their friends, representing the Greatest Cricket Club in the World.

Our hosts are joined tonight by a man that stands shoulders above the rest in his devotion to upholding an ethos that makes all of that happen. He discusses his take on what keeps a cricket club strong for 40 years gone and 40 years to come; including Mankads, soap dodging and boundary patrolling.

From all of us at Thanks For Coming, we want to Thank You For Coming and listening, engaging and making this community even better. We hopefully do this through our TFC Awards, correspondence and features.

If you want to get involved with Thanks For Coming in future seasons then please do get in touch on [email protected].