We all have this vision of working in this perfectly organized home where there is a place for everything, and everything is in its place. We picture saving time and money and less stress in this place, but many times that’s as far as we get. It’s just a vision, and we never get there. I hope today we can see that it isn’t just a dream, but we can get there. There are many ways to declutter, and I’m going to share some methods that have worked for me and I hope will inspire you today to start working away at your clutter piece by piece with me.

I love to work in an orderly workspace. I love order and beauty in my home.  Studies have proven that people think clearer and better in uncluttered environments.

Clutter is a real enemy.  Clutter can keep us from enjoying our families and homes as it takes up our time, can rob us of our joy, can add stress to our lives and takes up our living space.

I was going to initially share a podcast this week on cleaning schedules (that’s a future one coming soon), but as I started writing it, I realized this is an area that needs to be dealt with before we can start cleaning.

Remember we can’t clean clutter.

You can find the show notes at www.thankfulhomemaker.com