An all-star panel of Apple techs (Peter Cohen, Stephen Hackett, Joe Saponare, Sam Valencia) discuss dealing with customers who have broken iThings.

An all-star panel of Apple techs discuss dealing with customers who have broken iThings.

EXCLUSIVE SPONSORBackblaze: back that Mac up for only $5 a month (less if you sign up for longer). Whatever kind of computer you’re using, make sure you’re backing it up. Think about what you spent on coffee this month. Is your data worth the $5 you probably spent on just two trips (or just one) to the coffee shop? Take the advice of our panel and set up Backblaze for yourself or a family member (or both) today.PANELISTSJoe Saponare works for PsiMac and is one third of the Cmd-Ctrl-pwr (Command Control Power) podcast along with Sam.Sam Valencia works for HCS and is also a third of the Cmd-Ctrl-pwr podcast.Stephen Hackett writes 512 Pixels and was previously a third of The Prompt (RIP OMG). Keep your eyes peeled for what the Prompters have going next. He has a self-published eBook called Bartending: Memoirs of an Apple Genius. It’s only $1.99, so just buy it.Peter Cohen writes for iMore and can be found at iCape Solutions every weekend. He’s a big fan of bacon done the right way.

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