Is there such a thing as a quantum computing cryptopocalypse? Will we see the end of current security practices within the next few years, and what does this mean for the data that organizations would like to keep safe for longer than that? Nemertes CEO Johna Till Johnson and Bob Burns, Chief Product Security Officer at Thales, join host Steve Prentice to explain it all, and – of course – what you should do about it.

Is there such a thing as a quantum computing cryptopocalypse? Will we see the end of current security practices within the next few years, and what does this mean for the data that organizations would like to keep safe for longer than that?
Is there such a thing as a quantum computing cryptopocalypse? Will we see the end of current security practices within the next few years, and what does this mean for the data that organizations would like to keep safe for longer than that? Nemertes CEO Johna Till Johnson and Bob Burns, Chief Product Security Officer at Thales, join host Steve Prentice to explain it all, and – of course – what you should do about it.