When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Cybercriminals continue to succeed in discovering flaws and weaknesses in every connected technology. From zero days to SQL injection, what most people see as technology designed to perform a specific task, they see as a door, a window, or even a simple crack through which they can gain access. On this episode, host Steve Prentice talks with Amanda Widdowson, Head of Human Factors Capability at Thales UK, and Freaky Clown, the co-CEO and Co-Founder, Head of Ethical Hacking at Cygenta about what makes the criminal mind so good at thinking outside the box, and more importantly, how we can develop those skills inside security professionals, senior managers, and everyday people.

What makes the criminal mind so good at thinking outside the box, and how we can develop those skills inside security professionals?

When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Cybercriminals continue to succeed in discovering flaws and weaknesses in every connected technology. From zero days to SQL injection, what most people see as technology designed to perform a specific task, they see as a door, a window, or even a simple crack through which they can gain access. On this episode, host Steve Prentice talks with Amanda Widdowson, Head of Human Factors Capability at Thales UK, and Freaky Clown, the co-CEO and Co-Founder, Head of Ethical Hacking at Cygenta about what makes the criminal mind so good at thinking outside the box, and more importantly, how we can develop those skills inside security professionals, senior managers, and everyday people.