The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated what has been a long-term broad adoption of cloud environments, including multicloud and hybrid deployments. Organizations need to extend and adapt their capabilities to take more control of their security efficiently and effectively in these new, dispersed environments, according to the 2021 Thales Cloud Security Study. The study is comprised of analysis from 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, and based on a survey commissioned by Thales of more than 2,600 security professionals worldwide.
In this episode, Sol Cates, Principal Technologist at Thales, and regular host Neira Jones break down some of the key findings and statistics in the report.
Download the full 2021 Thales Cloud Security Study Report.

Sol is a technology leader with deep experience of the information security landscape. He credits constant curiosity, combined with an early interest in computers, for leading him into a career that now spans over 20 years in cyber-security.
As the global leader of Research and Technology at Thales, he is focused on improving understanding of today's challenges, tomorrow's hurdles, and developing solutions that address those problems. His teams source and understand the challenges of security professionals, and develop solutions to address those challenges efficiently and effectively. Through his three and-a-half years with Thales, and his prior experiences, Sol has gathered a wide set of experience and viewpoints – he has been a vendor, administrator, CISO, CTO, CIO, security analyst, developer and architect, among other roles.
With such a range of knowledge, Sol offers a unique perspective on how technology, people, process and governance impact how successful security teams can solve real-world problems. That 20+ years of experience, rooted in the intelligence community and enterprise organisations, mean he is a highly sought-after speaker on technology, regulatory and strategy topics – as well as a frequent contributor to trade and mainstream media. He is particularly informed and able to comment on cloud, big data encryption and emerging security technologies.
You can connect with Sol on LinkedIn and Twitter.