Jeff has a suggestion for a new end of show sound clip. Also, Doug Reacharound is a goddamn podcasting legend; what is it about young chicks that makes old dudes still want to be fuckable?; ball bag discussion; there are already five “worst of” episodes for the end of the year; show memories; Brian thinks Jeff is a functioning alcoholic; Updates and Corrections from S15E17 (Fat Bernie’s and a man was gored at Pamplona [VIDEO], b/w the Hemingway collection); The News (a dummy dropped his phone into an active volcano [VIDEO], b/w Mt. Everest and Mt. Saint Helens, and a Mexican mayor “married” an alligator [VIDEO], b/w Alligator Fox News); Pantera is going to tour next year; Bob Seger; Brian’s ashes; and editing troubles.
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