Swimming with sharks. Most of us would probably be too scared to ever try it. If you’re brave enough to do it, you might just get an experience you’ll never forget. The same could be said for entrepreneurship. So let’s go swimming with a real shark - Shark Tank’s Daymond John. We’ll find out how he overcame amazing odds to found the FUBU clothing brand and then he’ll give you insider tips on how to overcome amazing odds to impress the investors on Shark Tank.
You’ll also dive into some other scary situations. If you’re not a full-blown extrovert, is there anything more terrifying than social business events? Fear not - we’ve got the TGIM guide to networking for introverts. And finally - talk about scary - find out how to making millions by giving away your product... for free.

Swimming with sharks. Most of us would probably be too scared to ever try it. If you’re brave enough to do it, you might just get an experience you’ll never forget. The same could be said for entrepreneurship. So let’s go swimming with a real shark - Shark Tank’s Daymond John. We’ll find out how he overcame amazing odds to found the FUBU clothing brand and then he’ll give you insider tips on how to overcome amazing odds to impress the investors on Shark Tank.

You’ll also dive into some other scary situations. If you’re not a full-blown extrovert, is there anything more terrifying than social business events? Fear not - we’ve got the TGIM guide to networking for introverts. And finally - talk about scary - find out how to making millions by giving away your product... for free.

Daymond John on How to Market Your New Product Successfully

Daymond John has launched a lot of products over the years, both as one of the founders of urban fashion line, FUBU, and an investor on Shark Tark. These are his essential lessons to marketing your new product.

Daymond John on Twitter

Networking For Introverts

Networking is an important part of business. It’s pretty much essential if you’re an entrepreneur. So what do you do if it doesn’t come naturally to you? Or what if it downright terrifies you? Well here’s the thing, dear introvert - maybe you’re just looking at it the wrong way.

Marsha’s Top 10 Networking Tips for Introverts and Followup Email Template

How an Unemployed Veteran Turned His Badass Beard Into a Multimillion Dollar Business

Charlie Moyer was an unemployed military veteran with absolutely no ecommerce or online marketing experience. But in one year he grew his men’s grooming company from $3000 to $375,000 in monthly sales. And it started with a simple $20 investment. He shares the secret formula behind his remarkable success.

Badass Beard Care
Badass Beard Care on Facebook


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