Entrepreneurs thrive when they think differently than everyone else. So in this episode of TGIM, we’re going to change the way you think. You’ll learn how to disrupt your industry with Christine Day, who’s transformed the world of coffee at Starbucks and female apparel at Lululemon. You’ll find out how to channel your passion into a great business by learning about a business focused on sneakers. And you’ll meet a business owner who proves that doing almost everything antithetical to success is in fact a great recipe… for success. It’s time to think differently.

Entrepreneurs thrive when they think differently than everyone else. So in this episode of TGIM, we’re going to change the way you think. You’ll learn how to disrupt your industry with Christine Day, who’s transformed the world of coffee at Starbucks and female apparel at Lululemon. You’ll find out how to channel your passion into a great business by learning about a business focused on sneakers. And you’ll meet a business owner who proves that doing almost everything antithetical to success is in fact a great recipe… for success. It’s time to think differently.

How to Become an Expert at Market Disruption (from the former CEO of Lululemon)

Christine Day has a unique specialty - she blows up stagnant industries with big, exciting ideas. She helped disrupt the coffee industry at Starbucks. Then she turned the downward-dog female sports apparel industry into a glowing sunrise salute as the CEO of Lululemon, where she grew the stock by over 400%. And today, she’s rethinking healthy eating at a new startup called Luvo.

Want to know how to you can do it, too? Listen up - Christine’s going to share all her expert advice on how to disrupt the market with your business.

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The Best Ways to Combat Stress as an Entrepreneur

You’d be hard pressed to find someone who ISN’T dealing with stress of some kind.

For entrepreneurs, though, it’s a major concern. A recent survey found that entrepreneurs say that maintaining a small business causes twice as much stress as maintaining a healthy relationship, nearly three times as much stress as raising children, and more than four times the stress of managing their personal finances. And for those who run businesses, that stress needs to be managed, or there can be consequences...not just for the founder, but for the business itself. So close your eyes, breathe deeply, and prepare to learn how to relax when it comes to your business.

The Science of Working Smarter: 8 Stress Hacks for Entrepreneurs
7 Cups
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One Entrepreneur’s Creative Approach to Cashing in on the Sneaker Business

Matt Halfhill has a passion - sneakers. He LOVES new shoes. So much so that he decided to follow his passion and open his own business in the sneaker industry. Matt’s hasn’t decided to compete again Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour by making his own sneakers, though. Instead, he’s assembled a team of experts to WRITE about sneakers.

Nice Kicks
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Matt Halfhill on Twitter

Meet the Reluctantly Successful Hatmaker With a 6-Month Waiting List

Stephen Tempkin makes fedoras. Each hat is custom made by hand. One at a time. In his home. He could make his business bigger. He could make his hats faster. But he doesn’t, because Stephen makes hats because he loves doing it. Conventional business wisdom would say that’s not a great business. But, Stephen is convinced that NOT trying to be successful is what has made his business such a huge success. Meet the reluctantly successful hatmaker.

Leon Drexler Hats

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