Welcome to TGIF! A weekly live edutainment stream where I Cat, attempt to talk to you about a topic of interest from horror, the occult, history, true crime, or the paranormal. Every week we discuss a topic of interest and take a deep dive into stories from the darker side of life.

This week we discussed the La Santa Muerte "death cult" an alternative religious group on the fringe of society. The Catholic Church has denounced the group dismissing them as worshippers of death. 

After researching Santa Muerte and her devotees I have found myself in a place of complete respect for the new religion that is building in areas of Mexico. The worship of this unofficial Saint is rising because people are looking to the supernatural for protection. In a country that does not offer it’s poor or working class trust and protection, it’s easy to see why the followers of Santa Muerte are devoting themselves to her message.