Leeman begins the discussion by outlining four biblical observations about tithing and says that tithing was required of Old Testament Israel in a certain way. Tithing means “tenth.” Leeman says we are now not required to give a tenth of our income in the same way since we are no longer under the mosaic covenant law. So, tithing doesn’t necessarily refer to a particular percentage, but rather, an attitude of generosity. Second, Leeman says when giving, the Christian should do so not reluctantly or under compulsion, but cheerfully, as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:7. Third, Leeman says Christians are called to give cheerfully, generously, and according to their means (1 Corinthians 6:2). The fourth Biblical observation Leeman makes is that Christians should prioritize one’s church when giving (1 Timothy 5, Galatians 6:6). 

Onwuchekwa talks about how the Scriptures implicity outline how tithing and giving to one’s church is for the support of the pastor, the relief of the poor, for the advancement of gospel works. He says as we give, the church is the primary place that we give to. Onwuchekwa also highlights how Jesus, when it came to tithing, celebrated a widow who gave it all and then told a rich man to give it all. So, Christ is talking about the attitudes of our hearts when giving, that we know all of our means belong to him and when we have a vision of what he did for us, then we become a generous group of people. 


Thanks to the The Gospel Project who sponsored this episode. To learn more about The Gospel Project, visit gospelproject.com

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This episode was produced by Heather Calvillo and Steven Morales.