James Newheiser, Jr. answers the question, “What does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?” He addresses:

Biblical grounds for divorce (:40)Unfaithfulness, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation (1:24)Abandonment and sanctification (6:00)When a spouse leaves (10:21)Abuse as a form of abandonment (12:25)When the abuser is a “believer” (14:40)The nature of the divorce answers the question of remarriage (15:52)The virtual widow (17:16)A word of caution for those who are hurt and vulnerable (18:03)


Find more from TGC on marriage:

Explore the Featured Topic on Divorce

Divorce and Remarriage: Biblical Principles and Pastoral Practice


Jim’s recommended resources:

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers by Jim Newheiser

Is It Abuse?: A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims by Darby Strickland

The Heart of Domestic Abuse: Gospel Solutions for Men Who Use Control and Violence in the Home by Chris Moles

Deepak Reju's She's Got The Wrong Guy by Deepak Reju

Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel by Ray Ortlund

When Sinners Say "I Do": Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage by Dave Harvey