Ep 148- NFL Shitwatch 2017 Begins! Remembering NBA JAM In A New Segment! Ray Lewis’ Role In The Colin Kaepernick Saga! Kevin White: Injury Savant! More! Listen to the podcast here; also available on iTunes Recorded Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Hosts: Count Yorga & Jerkules Now you can follow us on Instagram: tfquarter420 Like The […]

The post EP 148- NFL Shitwatch 2017 Begins! NBA Jam! More! first appeared on The Fifth Quarter.

Ep 148- NFL Shitwatch 2017 Begins! Remembering NBA JAM In A New Segment! Ray Lewis’ Role In The Colin Kaepernick Saga! Kevin White: Injury Savant! More!

Listen to the podcast here; also available on iTunes

Recorded Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hosts: Count Yorga & Jerkules

Now you can follow us on Instagram: tfquarter420

Like The Fifth Quarter on Facebook too.

Make sure you check out the All In Sports Talk Network, where you can find in-depth soccer analysis with a focus on Toronto FC and Liverpool FC.


EDITOR’S NOTE: POST INCOMPLETE; WILL BE FINISHED SOON. Sometimes life gets in the way of our hobby gone mad. You know, if y’all clicked on us and followed us enough, maybe this hobby would evolve into a paid gig. Until then, sometimes the posts won’t be ready, but we want you to have to episode here & on iTunes in time. Don’t like it? Sue us. Our legal team is ready.*


*- Legal team ready = Me with whiskey.




Bedshitter of the Week

We try (and often fail) every episode to anoint at least one person or team an award that goes to the biggest choke job, or soul-searing collapse in recent sports.









Episode 148 is Dedicated To: The





We always play an opening song, and occasionally we interrupt it to give an RIP to someone in the sports world who has taken that graceful dive into the maggot-filled shit pool called death.



For Your Read!



If you’ve already worked clicking on the fuckin websiiiiiiiiite into your routine, YOU’RE NOT DONE YET. Follow us on Twitter, where we will occasionally give a thumbs-up or –down ruling on something in the world of sports. We’ll hashtag that shit PROPS or DROPS, and then we’ll turn right around and set you all up with more of them in every episode. To wit:





Mind Readers –

Since its inception, the spirit of The Fifth Quarter has been to always, yes, smoke pot and drink, and, yes, give you smart and experienced sports analysis, and, yes, make it amusing for listeners and readers alike. This delivery is couched in profane language and content, so that we’re able to take advantage of the one advantage we have over professional and/or more mainstream sports media: We’re our own bosses, and our bosses couldn’t give two fucks about obeying The Two Media P’s: PC & PG. As such, we’re able to give you opinions and analysis that is not only more entertaining, but also able to articulate a host of thoughts that our colleagues at networks must leave unspoken. In fact, we can even take examples of instances when athletes or media are probably thinking something they can’t give voice to in public, and “translate” their more diplomatic expressions into something likely closer to the truth.

CAN USE “What you want from TNT, ESPN & co., but with HBO content. We can’t get fired or cancelled like Bill Simmons!” FOR VARIATION





“Hello, my name is _____ !”




Listen to the podcast here; also available on iTunes





NFL Shitwatch – Week 1 Recap

Each week during the NFL season, we grab some shades, whistles, Hasselhoff, and we go on NFL Shitwatch! The NFL is the shit these days, with lots of crazy shit going on, teams that are the shit – and others that are just plain, well, shit. But fear not, we’re on the lookout!

Who’s cuter – us, or the shit?

Each week we observe different games or news items that fit certain shit criteria – shiteria, if you will (you won’t, but we already are) – and look at good and bad aspects of each team in said matchup. Sorry – shitup.

The Shit Seat (The Coaching Hot Seat)


The Big Steamer (The Game of the Week)


I’m Telling Mom You Threw Shit At Me (A Rivalry Game)


Blow It Out Your Ass (Biggest Mismatch/Most Likely Blowout)


Diarrhea Scoreboard (Best Chance of a Shootout)


The Shit Parade (Least Appealing Matchup)




Shit We Wrote Down – The Notebook, the Sequel

Take this, Noah and Allie, ya freakin’ saps! One excerpt from our TFQ Notebook: “We’ve had it with Ryan Gosling. Dude shortens his release under pressure… If scouts kept saying, ‘He can make all the throws,’ then how come he’s never made any in the pros yet? Wait – Sorry, that’s Rams QB Jared Goff. Can you blame us for confusing the two? LOOKALIKE BOMB!

“I wish Todd Gurley was more girly, like Rachel…”

I digress. So we have a notebook, and whenever we come up with new (just as dumb) thoughts while recording the podcast, we write them down in our trusty notebook. Whenever I’m lucky enough to read my own writing (which is less often than you might think) and myself or Yorga actually remember what the scribbles mean, we’ll put them here, at the end of the episode. Congrats! – You made it to the end? Guess what you win: Another chance to click on the fucking…you get it.



Here’s Thumbing At You




Listen to the podcast here; also available on iTunes

The post EP 148- NFL Shitwatch 2017 Begins! NBA Jam! More! first appeared on The Fifth Quarter.