My name is Fitz and I am the CEO of The Fitz Group. I’m glad you’ve chosen to listen to this week’s excerpt from our weekly Builders Call. This call is designed to help you move beyond personal sales and into building a business in the insurance industry. On one end of the income spectrum, we have helped a ton of agents make an additional $50,000 a year in override income on top of their sales income. And on the other end of the spectrum, we have helped a number of leaders make in excess of $1,000,000 annually through the development of the override income into a business. And now, on to today’s lesson…

Can I help you? I sure would like to. If you are an agent with us, please go to  to schedule a time when I can help you directly. Just pick a topic and pick a time and we’ll meet. If you are not an agent with The Fitz Group, I encourage you to go to and send us a message. See you next week!