It goes without saying that for media outfits like TFB and TFBTV, SHOT Show is one of the biggest highlights of the year, with virtually unfettered access to all of the industry's various firearms, optics, ammunition, and accessory companies as well as their latest products. This week we're bringing you a previously unreleaesd episode of the TFB Behind the Gun Podcast featuring TFB Writer Marcus H. This episode is back from the very same year that we started the podcast (2020) and we recently found this lost audio and decided it was a perfect time to share it with you all. Marcus is an avid long-range shooter who has covered this specific topic many times in the past, and today we get to hear TFB's Editor, Pete pick his brain about all things long-range shooting as well as what his pick for an end of the world gun would be. Please welcome TFB Writer Marcus H to the show!