On today's episode of TFB's Behind the Gun Podcast we've brought back some old friends of the show: Philip, Brent, Daryl, and Kyle, to talk about their recent experiences at the 2023 Hesco Zombie Invitational hosted at the Echo Valley Training center in West Virginia. Perfectly fitting for the month of October, the Zombie Invitational is an appropriately themed three-gun action match that involves more than just moving and shooting, but also incorporating your very own zombie survival gear to bring along with you to the match. We've previously talked to the gang about their experiences at the team-oriented Wolverine 5K match and the gang has once again reached out to give us all their first-hand experiences at this special zombie themed match that really cashes in on all of the hype in the early 00s surrounding the zombie apocalypse fad. Please welcome our conquering zombie slaying guests to the show!