Hailing from New York and with a background in the Television industry, TFBTV's Adam M isn't your typical crew member. Adam didn't seek out guns as a form of entertainment or even curiosity but rather as a means of self-defense. After a disturbing encounter with a home invader, Adam immediately sought out to gain a means of self-defense - a gun. After getting a gun, Adam also realized he had no idea what he was doing and thus he sought out information on the internet which eventually led him to TFBTV videos. Long story short, it turns out James and Adam live pretty close by one another and this eventually led to Adam joining the team as a much-needed editor during the busy SHOT Show season. Today we'll hear from Adam as he shares his background with firearms with us, his work history in Television and video editing, and what his firearm goals are going forward in 2024. Please welcome Adam M to the show!