In today's episode of TFB's Behind the Gun Podcast we've brought back on Hop, as well as Brock (BrassFacts) to talk about something many shooters don't often consider when heading out to the wilderness to shoot - winter survival. Having seen a handful of people including competitive shooters, influencers, and other shooters getting stuck in the ice and snow at their shooting spots, I've brought on Brock (BrassFacts) to talk about how to get through and also be prepared for these types of situations. BrassFacts has an extensive amount of current and past experience and formal training and teaching when it comes to winter survival, land navigation, and making camp when you're displaced from your vehicle. Today we'll talk about some basic necessities for the road, what extra things you should keep around in the winter, and what type of gear is most important when it comes to tackling these types of situations. Please welcome BrassFacts, and Hop to the show!