Today we are in the Netherlands, talking with someone I met back in London in 2014. Already then I was intrigued by how he was embracing design from such an innovative perspective.

During Dutch Design Week Virtual, helped in October,  he spoke about a project that he has spent the last 10 months working on called ‘ The New Standard 2030, The Right Choice: A series of Positive Concepts ’

During these 10 months, he worked and developed four concepts, Re-Engineering home and lifestyle products to The New Standard matching his vision for the year 2030.

This was achieved through re-valuing materials, re-framing production methods, re-connecting consumers to products, and by looking deeper into technology  and crafts used during the making process and regenerating them to new standards.

Low impact, purpose and conscience is now The New Standard in manufacturing, where recycling is central to the design process and disposing is simply out of fashion.

I’m happy to welcome today's guest, the RE-engineer,  Jeffrey Heiligers.

Follow Jeffrey on Instagram: @jeffrey_heiligers

Dutch Design Week 2020, The New Standard 2030

Youtube: Studio Jeffrey Heiligers

Vimeo: Studio Jeffrey Heiligers

Podcast: Editing: @sscsierra

Music: @gulasound