Today’s guest launched her company two years ago, focusing on connecting influential members of Generation Z between the ages of 16 and 25 with the brands they love, and since then it’s grown rapidly.

In these past two years, she has been featured in Forbes magazine, been invited to take part in TEDx talk, and featured in Adages ‘40 under 40’. ...Oh, and she is only 20 years old.

Today we talk about Zfluence, the agency she created, and how she wants to add authenticity to the social media world by focusing on the genuine brand passion of Generation Z.

We also speak about how Teen Entrepreneurship is on the rise, are teen entrepreneurs being taken seriously? And are we looking at new business models to consider?

I welcome today’s guest, the Zfluencer, Ava Mcdonald.

Enjoy the Episode!

Follow Zfluence on Instagram: @zfluence

Find out more about Ava Mcdonald and Zfluence here:

Connect with Ava McDonald here:


Editing: @sscsierra

Music: @gulasound