Today, we try something new: an english-speaking episode of our Podcast.
Lee and John from New York talk to us about how to become and how to be Union Berlin fans in New York City. We have a chat about howthey became aware of Union, how they are taking part in the conversation about the club, and the cognitive dissonance of also being season ticket holders at New York Red Bulls. They also share what their experience at Union matches over here was like.

Today, we try something new: an english-speaking episode of our Podcast.
Lee and John from New York talk to us about how to become and how to be Union Berlin fans in New York City. We have a chat about howthey became aware of Union, how they are taking part in the conversation about the club, and the cognitive dissonance of also being season ticket holders at New York Red Bulls. They also share what their experience at Union matches over here was like.Lee and John at their second visit to Alte Försterei

Union in Englisch
Lee and John’s Blog
Union’s english-speaking Twitter Account

On Air:

Daniel Roßbach



Amazon Wishlist




John K. Painting


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