Halloween traditions. Bad bus drivers. Principals. UNICEF.

Trick 'r Treat is quite possibly the best Halloween movie to never get a theatrical release. Originally scheduled to come out in October 2006, it was pulled to miss competition with Saw III. Due to it's direct release to DVD the movie has never been extremely popular

Four main stories intersect and influence each other in this anthology Halloween classic. A sinister principal hands out Halloween candy, children play a prank near the spooky quary, some young friends party in the woods and an old man is tormented by what appears to be a small child. Anna Paquin, Brian Cox and a large ensemble cast bring these horrific stories to life.


Join the Texas Podcast Massacre crew as they trick or treat down in the podcast studio and fight over who got the best candy and who won the debate for best Halloween tradition. After they carve their Jack-O-Lanterns they pull the razor blades out of their candy and review 2007's Trick 'r Treat.


Show Segments:

- Debate Question (03:30): Favorite Halloween tradition?

- Movie Review (14:20): Trick 'r Treat (2007)

- What Would You Do Differently? (55:17)

- Awards: (58:10)

- Final Cut (60:35): Movie review scores from hosts and guests

Texas Podcast Massacre is a labor of love for us as longtime horror fans. If you love horror too you can connect with us at texaspodcastmassacre.com, tweet us @TXPodMassacre, like us on Facebook or watch us on YouTube.

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