This interview explains Biologix proprietary phage therapy that is showing success clearing Persistent Lyme Disease, or PLD and coinfections in a gentle way, even for the most sensitive of patients 45 days after treatment.  Kristina discusses with Dr. Hart what a potential patient might expect from treatment at Biologix and why phage therapy.  It does not treat known illnesses, rather supports the body in being able to do the work by providing the phages specific to each strain a patient presents.

Phage is a holistic treatment that has the potential of supporting the body to clear a multitude of pathogens such as Lyme, cancer, COVID, viruses, parasites, and persisters.  A clinical study is underway to show the results of 30 patients.  It will be shared on Facebook @ Texas Lyme Alliance, Twitter @TexasLyme on online at

Did you know that your immune system should not be made solely responsible for killing the infections in your body? Phages—or viruses that do not infect human cells—are well-known entities whose sole purpose is to swarm host microbes and replicate themselves in order to attack and kill them. Using Induced Native Phage Therapy, we at the Biologix Center have discovered exactly how to access the bacteriophages (phages that attack bacteria), mycophages (phages that attack mold and fungi), and virophages (phages that attack other viruses) that already reside inside your body and induce them to eliminate, in most cases, all infectious microbes wreaking havoc there.

**This is not medical advice.  Kristina Bauer has no conflicts of interest and is not paid for services.  Texas Lyme Alliance supports this work and also does not receive payment for services from Biologix or any of its entities.  Kristina or Texas Lyme Alliance's effort is to support patients through the sharing of information and education and does not recommend any treatment.  We want patients to heal, stay out of bed, and get back to life at work and in their families.

For more information, contact the Biologix Center at  Subscribe for future educational videos on healing Lyme Disease by clicking the subscribe button and sharing this video.  Thanks for watching and good luck!

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