With Mel "Popeye" Moss & Mel "OG" Robins of Sons Of Liberty Riders MC

Tonight's Show: 3 Years And The Saga Continues - Delay Delay Delay - Abel Reyna Continues To Hide Truth From Voters - Courthouse Mafia - Strothers  Willing To Fall On Sword - The Arrogance Of it All - Media Hot On Abel's Trail - More Crooked Than The people They Try - The Debt In Waiting - Barry Johnson -  Seeking The Truth - he Will not Find It In The DA's Office, The Courthouse - He might find it from the Law Itself and Bikers - KCEN Piece On COCI Meetings - Let's Straighten Something Out Now - Going To Waco ....

All That Stuff & More On Texas Biker Radio 8 PM cst.