Facebook has been down a lot of the day and we are calling an audible and streaming on YouTube this evening. We want to go over some of what we have found in this mess of a story, because some of it is not as it may seem once you start to dig into it. Shortly after the show some of it is already unfolding and the main whistleblower is heading before the senate Oct 5th to testify why social media needs more government control. Do we also laugh… of course. Mostly at ourselves, and partially at shower thoughts. If you like the music check out the artist here: theearthonfireIntro song links: Spotify Apple MusicPlease subscribe to us on YouTube and Rumble to watch videos after they are published.Follow us on Instagram for random funny picsFollow us on Facebook to get notified of LIVE! episode recordings and to join the chat!Links discussed in episode:

British aircraft carrier ignores Chinese warnings for second time

Kabul Faces Blackouts If Foreign Electricity Suppliers Go Unpaid: WSJ

“PSAKI ON FACEBOOK WHISTLEBLOWER: "This is just the latest in a series of revelations about social media platforms that made clear that self-regulation is not working.

Data of Over 1.5 Billion Facebook Users Sold on Hacker Forum

UPDATE - DNS records that tell systems around the world how to find

The Associated Press on Twitter “China has flown more than 30 military planes toward Taiwan in its second large display of force in as many days. Taiwan’s Defense Ministry says 39 aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone

Give Amazon and Facebook a Seat at the United Nations

“Facebook and Instagram go mysteriously offline and, for one shining day, the world becomes a healthier place.

Evergrande stocks halted in Hong Kong

Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen: The 60 Minutes Interview

Reaching people on the internet in 2021 (the Oatmeal comic)

Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Donated 36 Times to Democrats, Including to Anti-Primary Extremists And AOC. Looks like this 'whistleblower' is doing less whistling and more blowing.

APOPHENIA - by Edward Snowden - Continuing Ed — with Edward Snowden

Facebook whistleblower says company engaged in 'betrayal of democracy'

Cloudflare blog: Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet


TIL that screensavers were originally created to save CRT screens from burning an image into the display due to prolonged, unchanged use.

TIL the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame are a paid promotion costing $50,000 each

TIL In 2011 two fishermen from Kiribati went adrift for 33 days before landing in the Marshall Islands. They then found out that their hitherto thought to be dead uncle, who went missing 25 years earlier after also going adrift, had landed in the Marshall Islands as well and married there.

Shower Thoughts:

If we could comprehend animal language as we comprehend each other, we'd probably be all vegans

Social media is the new cigarettes: Companies profit from people’s addiction to an unhealthy product.

"Have a nice day " sounds friendly whereas "Enjoy the next 10 hours" sounds menacing.

People who can properly handle lottery winnings are the least likely to buy lottery tickets

People who perished climbing Mount Everest literally chose the hill they wanted to die on.

Because dead animals eventually decompose into fertilizer, it is possible to have beef-fed grass.

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