Submarine deals falling through, China banks going bankrupt, and Amazon spying on their employees. We gots stuff to chat about. Stop by and say hello! If you like the music check out the artist here: theearthonfireIntro song links: Spotify Apple MusicPlease subscribe to us on YouTube and Rumble to watch videos after they are published.Follow us on Instagram for random funny picsFollow us on Facebook to get notified of LIVE! episode recordings and to join the chat!Links discussed in episode:

Amazon will lobby government to legalize marijuana

Why are the French so mad about the submarine deal?

Amazon's AI-powered cameras punish its delivery drivers when they look at side mirrors or when other cars cut them off, report says

Coinbase Signs Deal With Homeland Security to Provide Analytics Software

Texas Law Enforcement Storm Border With Scores Of Vehicles, Secure Area After Biden Failed

Lava pours out of volcano on La Palma in Spain's Canary Islands

Norm MacDonald, comedian and former 'SNL' cast member, dies at 61

Endgame Begins: Evergrande Hires Bankruptcy Advisors As Furious Investors Protest Imminent Default


TIL about the melon drop scam, a con that targeted Japanese tourists. Scammers would buy a watermelon for a low price and then bump into an Asian tourist and charge them about $100 for the broken melon. This is due to the higher fruit prices in Japan. These days the scam involves any broken item.

TIL Swedish-built cars -- Saabs and Volvos -- are specifically reinforced so that the occupants will survive if they hit a moose.

TIL that the guava fruit has the highest protein content of any fruit with 2.55g per 100g.

TIL The British army breaks step when crossing bridges. This is because in 1831 a suspension bridge collapsed from all the soldiers marching in unison.

TIL the anti-diabetic medication,metformin, is derived from French lilacs. In medieval times, French lilac was used to treat the symptoms of a condition we now know today as diabetes mellitus.

Shower Thoughts:

As soon as garbage trucks start creeping around silently after being converted over all electric, a lot of us are screwed.

Buying nonalcoholic beer gives off the impression of having a drinking problem more than buying regular beer.

Dinosaur chicken nuggets are the ultimate f-you. We take their descendants and turn them to mush shaped like their ancestors. Then we eat them.

If you can’t select zero stars, then the rating is actually out of 4 stars

When someone walks into your room, they make trillions on trillions of atoms move. Those tiny things you can't see are enough to let you "feel" someone disturbing your area and alerting you to their presence.

Nothing is on fire, its fire that is on things.

"You look like a million bucks" is probably a joke insult amongst billionaires at some point

If spiders had wings would it make them cuter