Apple has said they are sending out a new update in the coming months that will do some pretty scary things in our opinion. We want to talk about it, and compare it to last weeks topic of North Korea.If you like the music check out the artist here: theearthonfireIntro song links: Spotify Apple MusicPlease subscribe to us on YouTube and Rumble to watch videos after they are published.Follow us on Instagram for random funny picsFollow us on Facebook to get notified of LIVE! episode recordings and to join the chat!Links discussed in episode:

Apple to start scanning people’s photos and messages to check for child abuse

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) - Psychiatric Disorders

Target will cover 100% of college tuition for its workers

Apple's Plan to "Think Different" About Encryption Opens a Backdoor to Your Private Life

Snowden Tweet - Apple says to "protect children," they're updating every iPhone to continuously compare your photos and cloud storage against a secret blacklist. If it finds a hit, they call the cops.  iOS will also tell your parents if you view a nude in iMessage.

Senator Cynthia Lummis - The Wyden-Lummis-Toomey amendment is simple. It clarifies in law what most of us already believe—that validators of distributed ledger data like miners & stakers, hardware wallet providers & software developers should NOT be required to report transaction data to the IRS.


TIL a plane hijacking in Norway ended only after the hijacker had consumed the planes beer supply and traded his weapons for more beer.

TIL in WWII, Germany carried out only one land operation in north America, the installation of a secret weather station in Newfoundland. They scattered American cigarette packets and planted a sign saying "Canadian Meteor Service" in case anyone found it, and the site wasn't rediscovered until 1977.

TIL Groundhogs are also called woodchucks.

TIL beavers build their dams as an instinct to stop the sounds of water leaks. If a speaker is playing just the sound of running water, a beaver will build a dam over it. This is even if it’s over concrete with no visible water, or if an actual nearby leaky water source is quieter than the speaker.

TIL a Brazilian company reverse engineered the Nintendo Entertainment System and produced a clone that could play official carts since it was never released there. Nintendo asked them to cease but because they designed their own hardware and Nintendo had no presence in Brazil it was totally legal.

Shower Thoughts:

If you had to lose one sense what would you pick?

YoUr LiFe Is OnLy ThReE mInUtEs LoNg BuT a BrEaTh ReSeTs ThE cLoCk

Your belly button is your old mouth

Peeing in a urinal with no door feels fine; peeing in a stall with the door open feels weirdly vulnerable

“Part of a complete breakfast'' is a nice way of saying “not a complete breakfast”.

Being bored in your own house is somehow better than being bored at someone else's house.

The Universe might've already ended, and we're just waiting for it to reach us, like cosmic dominos

We associate hot with red and cold with blue, but blue stars are hotter than red stars

Hanging out with somebody 10 years younger than you makes you realize how old you really are.

To humans, the earth will always be about 4.5 billion years old.

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