Tadashi Tsufura was a young teenager living with his family in the farming community of Parlier, California, where his father, Shosetsu Tsufura was the Buddhist minister and his mother, Midori (Kamamoto), was a Japanese language teacher - both central to the community’s cultural heritage and knowledge. When the war broke out, the family was sent to Gila River in Arizona and after two years in camp, the Tsufuras moved across the country to Seabrook, New Jersey to work in the frozen foods packing plant. But while rebuilding their lives in Seabrook, Tad’s mother suffered a breakdown under the stress of anti-Japanese sentiment and the difficulties of starting from scratch. Tad went on to become a beloved math teacher and principal of P.S. 41 in Greenwich Village in New York City. On March 29, 2020, Tad died after contracting the coronavirus, just five days after his wife, Mabel, succumbed to the virus, too. Read Tad’s NY Times obituary here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/29/obituaries/tadashi-tsufura-dead-coronavirus.html

📖 To read Tad’s full interview visit https://www.tessaku.com/oral-histories//2017/03/15/tadashi-tsufura

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🎶 Music by Goh Nakamura: https://gohnakamura.com