In this episode of Liberty Unveiled (Teshuah Unveiled), Bradley Hopp and Pastor Sam discuss the history of Teshuah as well as challenges faced by the Teshuah rescue mission and the church as a whole

Listen now and be enlightened

Conversation Highlights

[02:19] How Teshuah Tea Company as a business started 2 years ago.

[12:12] Pastor Sam narrates an experience from the mission group "Equipping the Persecuted" in Nigeria

[18:53] The church isn't a building but the church utilizes a building

[23:27] Everything that God does, Satan copies

[24:59] The Bi Luo Chun tea

[27:59] There is a line between giving your best to God and materialism

[33:00] If we don't preserve Christianity, our culture of the West is doomed

[33:40] The drums of Moloch in our world today

[36:36] Brad describes the vision for Teshuah

[38:57] A boy and his chicken


Remarkable Quotes:

[18:14] “The church isn't a building, the church is a called-out assembly”

[28:18] “We need to be good stewards of the things that God gives us”

[33:08] “Christianity is the foundation of Western civilization”

In this episode of Liberty Unveiled (Teshuah Unveiled), Bradley Hopp and Pastor Sam discuss the history of Teshuah as well as challenges faced by the Teshuah rescue mission and the church as a whole

Listen now and be enlightened

Conversation Highlights

[02:19] How Teshuah Tea Company as a business started 2 years ago.

[12:12] Pastor Sam narrates an experience from the mission group “Equipping the Persecuted” in Nigeria

[18:53] The church isn’t a building but the church utilizes a building

[23:27] Everything that God does, Satan copies

[24:59] The Bi Luo Chun tea

[27:59] There is a line between giving your best to God and materialism

[33:00] If we don’t preserve Christianity, our culture of the West is doomed

[33:40] The drums of Moloch in our world today

[36:36] Brad describes the vision for Teshuah

[38:57] A boy and his chicken


Remarkable Quotes:

[18:14] “The church isn’t a building, the church is a called-out assembly”

[28:18] “We need to be good stewards of the things that God gives us”

[33:08] “Christianity is the foundation of Western civilization”