Get ready to dip your hands in molten gold and armour yourself with your own immortal blood - we're looking at Namina Forna's powerfully feminist YA novel 'The Gilded Ones'. Will this story of *literally* smashing the patriarchy be worth your time? Or should it be subjected to its Final Death? 

Once you've heard what I have to say on it, hop along to the Talking Fiction Discord server to have your say too! I'd love to continue the conversation with you :-)

And if you'd like to hear the chat I had about this book with Harper Collins (HQ) romance novelist Belinda Missen, you can find the 'Science, Sex and Sorcery' (S3) podcast here. We take it in turns each episode to recommend an SFF or Romance book to each other, then read and review it. We also tend to have some WILDLY diverging opinions on our books, so it's always a fun time! The Gilded Ones episode should be out in about a week from TTF37's release date :-)

Talk soon!

Intro/outro music for this episode is 'Elevators Need Rock Too' by Spence, courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.