It took a while, but we got there! Coming straight out of the gate after the school holidays (who knew having three kids in the house all day would be so exhausting *and* noisy!?) with a no-spoilers review of Brandon Sanderson's latest puppy-killer*, 'Rhythm of War'.

This is one that I REALLY want to sink into spoilers on, so if you're into that then hit us up on the Discord server and we can go into it AT LENGTH, lol. Especially that ending. Holy gee, that ending.

And if you get a moment to rate/comment on iTunes, then that would also be appreciated! Every little bit helps!!

Talk soon.

Intro/outro music for this episode is 'Elevators Need Rock Too' by Spence, courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

*Sanderson commonly refers to his books as 'puppy-' or 'chihuahua-killers' because he recognises his books are SO DAMN BIG** that you definitely wouldn't want to accidentally drop one on a small dog...

**In one of his podcasts, he also mentioned the only reason the Stormlight Archive book 'Oathbringer' was edited down to the final length it was, was because if it had any more pages then the machines at the printers would have been physically incapable of actually producing it, so this is definitely a pattern of behaviour, seriously, please, Brandon, I have other things I need to do.