It’s an all interview show with two directors this episode! First up LC Fremont and Boss team up to interview Peter Dukes! Peter has been on the show a few times, and this time it is to talk a bit about his short film, Daniel as well as the upcoming … Continue reading

It’s an all interview show with two directors this episode! First up LC Fremont and Boss team up to interview Peter Dukes! Peter has been on the show a few times, and this time it is to talk a bit about his short film, Daniel as well as the upcoming Sweet Madness, a film about DC character Harlequin. Then Willis Wheeler and Boss chat it up with frequent guest, Director Max Cerchi! Max, as always, has a lot to share, including his lost film Hellbilly, which is now available on DVD through TLA Cult, his Sci Fi series The Omega File and upcoming film House of Evil and more!!

Links for Peter Dukes:

Dream Seekers Productions Facebook

Dream Seekers Twitter

Dream Seekers Productions on You Tube (definitely check out Peter’s other films as well! Including the werewolf film mentioned: The Beast)

Links for Max Cerchi:


Omega File on FB

House of Evil on FB

Buy Hellbilly on TLA Cult!

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