There are several things that we all love about this show, but the thing we never really do justice as how talented our crew is! Seriously we have musicians, writers, artists, fire breathers, podcasters and more on our crew! So with that in mind we thought we would do a miniseries of episodes showcasing that talent by interviewing ourselves! Welcome to Talented Warriors!

In our second show we talk to Erika Szabo. Since her debut in Star Wars: Leviathan she's thrown herself into every game she's been a part of. She's been a Video Game Journalist, Editor for a Sex Positive Blog, an Anime Enthusiast, a YouTuber and of course a Terrible Warrior!

Check out her youtube channel at and follow her exploits.

"I've seen eyes of terror and eyes of sorrow from Erika and in the end I see the heart of one of the best players to ever roll dem bones." - Mike "The Birdman" Dodd

Make sure you Interact with the show via: Email: [email protected]

Talented Warriors:

Erika Szabo Steve Saylor