Our Heralds have a lot of handle as we return to our Actual Play of Dear Great Cthulhu, Please Stop Giving Me Superpowers! 

As Harlow tries to balance his responsibilities at home with his commitments to his community, Xavier and Olivian will both confront new powers bestowed upon them by the Old Ones as they face up against the pressure of human society pushing up against the Herald’s community.

Terrible Warriors is supported by listeners like you, to learn more about how you can help us visit patreon.com/terriblewarriors

Our players are Justin Ecock, Velvet Duke, and Euan

Justin Ecock is our audio editor.

Theme music is by Epic Game Music

Dear Great Cthulhu, Please Stop Giving Me Superpowers! is created by Darla Burrow. Visit her store at basicandbizarre.itch.io and follow her on Twitter @basicnbizarre

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