A young bride is wed to an ugly, but powerful man with a blue beard. He invites her to explore the house...but one room is forbidden. Eventually, the young bride falls prey to her curiosity and opens it, discovering the gruesome display of former brides murdered...

The fairytale of Bluebeard has been told many times in many ways and today the Terrible Warriors will tell their own tale. Meet the Sisters who will together form the Bride who will soon be wed to Bluebeard and be brought this his mansion. 

Presented by the Terrible Warriors, Consider supporting the Terrible Warriors today through Patreon: Patreon.com/terriblewarriors

Bluebeard's Bride is a feminine horror tabletop RPG published by Magpie Games, created by Whitney “Strix” Beltrán, Marissa Kelly, and Sarah Richardson, and based on the Bluebeard fairy tale.

Terrible Warriors: Justin Ecock, Bre Poisonne, Ash Cassidy, Nick Cassidy (from the Podcast for the Recently Deceased), and Scott Thrower (from the Fairytales For Unwanted Children podcast)