The final episode of this campaign will be recorded live at ConBravo!
Happening on the last weekend of July, the 28th - 30th, you can buy your tickets now at
We'll announce the exact time of our panel/recording on twitter @dicewarriors closer to the date.

In the Apocalypse World there is a rumour of a place, or an item, or a source where all this began. The story changes person to person but the name is always the same. THE HAMMER. Somewhere out there is a place where all the water is clean and you're always safe, The Hammer. Or it's a weapon of untold power and potential. Or it's a vault that holds the source of the whatever it is that ended our world and left behind a maelstrom of psychic fuckery.

And support us today through Patreon:

Terrible Warriors: Derek Burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, Will Mitchell, and Wes Gunn

Campaign Album Cover:
Justin Ecock


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