The final episode of this campaign will be recorded live at ConBravo!
Happening on the last weekend of July, the 28th - 30th, you can buy your tickets now at
We'll announce the exact time of our panel/recording on twitter @dicewarriors closer to the date.

In the Apocalypse World there is a rumour of a place, or an item, or a source where all this began. The story changes person to person but the name is always the same. THE HAMMER. Somewhere out there is a place where all the water is clean and you're always safe, The Hammer. Or it's a weapon of untold power and potential. Or it's a vault that holds the source of the whatever it is that ended our world and left behind a maelstrom of psychic fuckery.

You've met the denizens of Sanctuary but what about that group of survivors in the west? In our first episode of the Edmonton edition of Apocalypse World there is no setting for them, no characters, and no answers. Right now there's just the Psychic Maelstrom flowing around. Our players will choose their characters and work with the Master of Ceremonies to peel back the curtains of the maelstrom and reveal the world they inhabit. And what they end up revealing is a legend about a man they call "Dapper Joe".

And support us today through Patreon:

Terrible Warriors: Derek Burrow, Shane Fitzgerald, Will Mitchell, and Wes Gunn

Campaign Album Cover:
Justin Ecock


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