The final episode of this campaign will be recorded live at ConBravo!
1:30pm Saturday July 29th in The Lair (Room 314) in the Hamilton Convention Centre.

Happening on the last weekend of July, the 28th - 30th, in Hamilton, Ontario at the Hamilton Convention Centre, you can buy your tickets now at

In the Apocalypse World there is a rumour of a place, or an item, or a source where all this began. The story changes person to person but the name is always the same. THE HAMMER. Somewhere out there is a place where all the water is clean and you're always safe, The Hammer. Or it's a weapon of untold power and potential. Or it's a vault that holds the source of the whatever it is that ended our world and left behind a maelstrom of psychic fuckery.

Step into the confines of Sanctuary. Anxiety runs high after half their guards left the hardhold to form Old Gang in the ruined city. Deliveries are running late and the people are running out of patience. In an attempt to shut down the Old Gang, the entire team is now captured or on the run. All hope rests on the Mother Superior of Sanctuary and his troublesome interrogator, Pity.

And support us today through Patreon:

Terrible Warriors: Bre Poisonne, Cassie Chui, Conal MacBeth, Justin Ecock, Steve Saylor, and Tom White

Campaign Album Cover:
Justin Ecock