The gang has been gathered and the rumours are true... The Coal Bag is on the move and we know where it is. Nobody has ever stolen Christmas before...

Join in on the second episode of our three-part Christmas special. Recorded live in a living room! Our Terrible Warriors start to work against each other as The Heist Of The Season gets underway.

Returning to Fiasco, we're using The Last Heist playset found in the "Run, Fools, Run" expansion. Check out Fiasco and all the playsets available at

Make sure you Interact with the show via: Email: [email protected]

Terrible Warriors: Justin Ecock Steve Saylor Julian Spillane Orie Falconer Cassie Chui Trish Woodford

Special Appearances: Conal "Doctor Holocaust" MacBeth Derek "The Bard" Burrow