We received an anonymous recommendation to read this book. It is easily one of the most concentrated forms of delirium ever put to text.

The Sunny Films website: https://sites.google.com/site/sunnyproductionfilms/ The interactive flash 'game' linked on the Sunny Films site that Paris found and got way too into later in the episode: http://htwins.net/scale2/ GIF of Paris trying to read the sentence around 15:15: https://i.imgur.com/BSzD6vz.gif

This book is supposedly written as a screenplay since the author wants this to be made into a film. This screenplay/book suffers intensely from never being spell-checked or edited for content, style, or even basic English grammar and syntax. Additionally, the descriptions of rather basic things are just incredibly bizarre (e.g. a factory called Society Office Supply somehow produces electric chairs, hypodermic needles, AND nuclear weapons).

A short sample of what this book contains includes: eternal life batteries; scene shifts so abrupt that they induce motion sickness; a man riding an ostrich; universe bisecting infinity lasers; the worst Saturday morning superhero team ever; and of course - a random breast popping out of a blouse.

Overall it's simply unreadable and should be taken off the market until it is re-written and edited by a professional.