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Terms Of Reference Podcast

179 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 6 years ago - ★★★★★ - 9 ratings

The Terms of Reference Podcast delivers critical, insider information for top performance as a professional or organization in the social impact sector.

Government Business Non-Profit humanitarianaid ngo charity internationaldevelopment socialenterprise
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TOR180: The Global Knowledge Initiative with Sara Farley

January 23, 2018 14:30 - 44 minutes - 35.7 MB

You cannot live in today's world without being witness to the power of networks. Networks are all around us and constantly influence us in ways both conscious and subconscious. Immediate family and close friends, global-reaching social networks, professional networks, passion networks... the list of all the networks you're connected to gos on and on and overlaps and intersects in ways that solve problems, create opportunities and catch us in moments of incredible serendipity. So, as you m...

TOR179: KopaGas with Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez-Sanchez

January 16, 2018 09:00 - 38 minutes - 30.9 MB

I take for granted that I can walk away from my microphone right now, head over to my kitchen and turn on my stove to boil water, bake a cake or cook myself a meal. And, I don't even think about the fact that I have hot water available on demand at any time of the day. I just turn on the tap and its there. This is not the case for millions and millions of people throughout the world. In fact, there is a huge portion of the human population that still relies on burning wood, or charcoal, fo...

TOR178 - Ladies Get Paid and Red Bull Amaphiko with Claire Wasserman

January 09, 2018 09:00 - 38 minutes - 31.2 MB

Even though we work on hundreds of different issues across a similarly diverse group of settings, I think the argument could be made that the work of the social sector is ultimately focused on creating a world where all humans have equal opportunity to flourish. This is at the base of what we’re doing with programing that seeks to improve financial systems, agricultural practices, environmental protections, health systems and education. And, one of the things we know, unequivocally, is that ...

TOR177 - The mSTAR project with Troy Etulain of FHI360

December 12, 2017 09:00 - 39 minutes - 31.5 MB

If you're an ideas person, no matter what your field or expertise, there is nothing I can think of that is more attractive than a clear, tangible problem in need of a solution. As much as we hate to admit it in the social sector, these types of problems are not terribly common and they are almost never the lowest hanging fruit in a given situation. But in those instances where clear problems in need of solutions are identified, the next most attractive thing to an innovator is funding to ...

TOR176 - The International Rescue Committee with Jodi Nelson

December 05, 2017 09:00 - 42 minutes - 33.9 MB

The International Rescue Committee is a well known force in humanitarian aid. As the organization has continued to evolve since 1933, they have literally written the book, multiple times, on how to best serve those in need. My guest for today's 176th Terms of Reference Podcast is Jodi Nelson who is IRC's Senior Vice President, Policy and Practice. Jodi has overall strategic and operational responsibility for IRC program technical units – including Research and Evaluation and Global Advoca...

TOR175: The SPONGE Project with Sanjay Prasad of IVL

November 21, 2017 18:46 - 27 minutes - 22.2 MB

Last week, we dove into an especially practical example of innovating to improve the plight of the agriculturalist. Or, more specifically, those who benefit from their yields. I'm happy that this week we have another agricultural innovation around water - but one that works in a very different way, solving a very different problem. My guest for the 175th Terms of Reference Podcast is Sanjay Prasad. He's working in an area where there is abundant, but very intermittent water supplies. His ...

TOR174 - The Bhungroo Innovation for Agriculture with Trupi Jain of Naireeta Services

November 14, 2017 09:00 - 28 minutes - 22.9 MB

One of the things I love most about hosting this podcast is the sheer range of ideas, aspirations and impact I've been lucky enough to listen to over the past three years. In some cases we've talked about a digital future that we can only just now begin to see coming into shape and in others, extremely practical how-did-we-solve-this-problem-today with nuts, bolts and duct tape... and of course everything in-between. Today's show is one of those nuts and bolts conversation. For the 174th ...

TOR173 - Patents for Humanity with Edward Elliot

November 08, 2017 05:09 - 25 minutes - 20.4 MB

For most of us seeking to innovate in the social sector, solving existing problems in new ways is accomplished by bringing technologies or processes from other sectors to bear on the problems faced by the vulnerable. However, innovators are sometimes also true inventors - devising first of their kind solutions for today's most pressing problems. In these cases, it is not uncommon for the inventor to seek protection for the unique intellectual property contained in their ideas. After all, ...

TOR172 - A New Model For Higher Education with Eric Glustrom of Watson

October 31, 2017 08:00 - 51 minutes - 41.4 MB

Long ago, in the days of yore, when I was completing high school and looking to what was next, college was the path of least resistance. Unfortunately, as it turned out, following that path put me on a trajectory that would take 3 colleges, many majors and an embarrassing amount of tuition to finally spit me out the other side with a degree. And, here's the kicker, like so many others, when I was newly minted, I still didn't really have a clue about how to engage with the problems I wante...

TOR171 - The Office Of Transition Initiatives with Stephen Lennon

October 24, 2017 08:00 - 39 minutes - 31.5 MB

For many years now - and its just crazy that I can say that about this podcast at this stage - I’ve been saying the social sector is filled with lots of very smart, well educated people who truly want to lift up others in pursuit of greater human flourishing.  Almost always, this is a fantastic thing, I mean, having intelligent, thoughtful people on your team is something we all wish for. But, at the same time, something I’ve also noticed over my career is that when we create teams with m...

TOR170 - Adding Value To Technology With Indigenous Knowledge with Muthoni Masinde

October 23, 2017 08:07 - 28 minutes - 22.9 MB

When you think of innovation, you think about the future, right? At least, that's what I think about. My mind is usually filled with flying cars, holographic displays and a moneyless world. But, I know, that's just the super geek talking. Innovation is really about solving an old problem in a different way. But the reason I bring up the future is that, typically, when I speak to those interested in innovation they are focused on how we use new - sometimes yet-to-be-invented - technologies, p...

TOR168: The World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator with Bernhard Kowatsch

October 03, 2017 08:00 - 33 minutes - 26.8 MB

When I think of innovating for food, well, I have to admit I’m usually focused on how my family can make dinner something special. Finding a way out of the rut of eating the same food as my children is a pain. But I know, that you know, we’re not here to talk about how I can become an Iron Chef. And indeed, in today’s 168th Terms of Reference Podcast episode, we are here to explore how innovation can be applied to making sure people don’t go hungry. My guest for today’s show is Bernhard Kowa...

TOR167: A Strategy For Digital Financial Inclusion with Badal Malick of Catalyst

September 26, 2017 08:00 - 33 minutes - 27.2 MB

I know that I take for granted that I am able to perform financial transactions, around the world via a multitude of channels, essentially any time I want. In fact, only because of my lifestyle, my biggest headache comes from a banking system in the US that often flags my non-US transactions as suspect for fraud. Today's episode is about how we can take a look at individuals and businesses on the other side of that coin (yes, another wonderful pun). I'm referring to the vast majority of p...

TOR166: Venture Funding For Social Actors With Alix Zwane Of The Global Innovation Fund

September 12, 2017 07:00 - 42 minutes - 34.4 MB

Most social sector work, if not all of it at this stage, is driven by some type of results framework that is focused on outcomes. Unsurprisingly, when people (or a government or foundation) give you their money to do some good in the world - they want to know that it actually happens… or, as often happens, at least you gave it your best shot. Underpinning these frameworks are theories of change. In this paradigm, gaps in markets or social contexts are identified by the social actor and then ...

TOR165 - Investing In Freedom Of The Press with Harlan Mandel of MDIF

September 05, 2017 08:00 - 36 minutes - 29.6 MB

Its taken me a while to figure out how to introduce today’s topic. Not because its totally radical - but rather, because my brain is freaking out that its something I have to introduce in the year 2017. So, I’ve decided the best approach is just to dive right in: Today’s topic is, essentially, freedom of the press. Now, while I don’t spend my day to day life in the United States, I’m definitely an American. And something that is just a part of who I am is an understanding that we need ...

TOR164 - The Power and Promise of Open Contracting with Gavin Hayman

August 29, 2017 07:34 - 55 minutes - 44.2 MB

How much money did your government spend in 2016? The Government of the United States spent over $3.5 trillion dollars. China threw down $2.8 trillion and the UK just over $1 trillion. Worldwide, governments spent a combined total of $22.7 trillion. My point here is that there is a ton of money being spent by governments around the globe to procure products and services. It would be great to know where exactly all of that money goes, right? I mean, in most of the major economies out there,...

TOR163: Building Leadership In Advocacy with Jamie Bay Nishi of the Global Health Technologies Coalition

August 21, 2017 16:21 - 39 minutes - 54 MB

Today’s conversation has two themes that I think are important for our listeners. On one level, you’re going to hear about advocating on behalf of health sector innovators, but on another level you’re going to hear about what it takes to pivot a career and take on an entirely new role, in a new sector after almost a decade of dedicated service in another. My guest for today’s 163rd Terms of Reference Podcast is Jamie Bay Nishi. For the past 9 years, Jamie was at DevEx, starting with member...

TOR162 - How Creative Tech Agencies Can Accelerate Social Impact with Sam Applebee of Super Global

August 15, 2017 08:00 - 47 minutes - 38.1 MB

For as long as I’ve been in the social sector, there has been a consensus that those organizations who depend mostly on grant funding (whether from government or foundations or private donors) need to find better, and more sustainable ways to partner with the private sector, or more specifically, for-profit companies. The main reason behind this drive is the assumption that the for-profit world has resources and capabilities that can help socially focused programming achieve sustainability, ...

TOR161: Supporting The Open Data Movement with Pavel Richter of Open Knowledge International

August 08, 2017 08:00 - 43 minutes - 35.1 MB

According to the May 6th, 2017 issue of the Economist, data has officially displaced oil as the world’s most valuable resource. If you’re like me, the most surprising part of this declaration is that its taken until now for it to appear. Data drives the business models of most, if not all, of the world’s most valuable companies, governments rely upon data for safety and security issues and data availability is something so many of us take for granted when we’re driving from our homes to an u...

TOR160: Supporting the Economy of Prestige with Kurt Shaw of the Shine A Light Foundation

August 01, 2017 08:00 - 48 minutes - 39.2 MB

You’ve heard me lament more than a few times on this podcast about the fact that innovation in the social sector is often times synonymous with technology. We talk a lot about how phones and apps and data are accelerating change and opening up opportunities for those in need. And, of course, being something of a super geek, I admit I love these conversations. But, I’m also aware of this narrow focus, and so, when I get a chance to highlight other forms of innovation, I pounce. The innovato...

TOR159: Keeping The Lights On with Noah Klugman and Jay Taneja of Gridwatch

July 25, 2017 00:05 - 55 minutes - 44.1 MB

The availability of continuous power - that is, the assumption that you can plug in an appliance, or flip a switch without wondering whether or not electrons will flow - is a hallmark of civilization. So much so, that a great deal of what holds up our global economy would not be possible without the assurance that we can keep the lights on (or at least turn them on) 24/7. So, what do you do when the power goes out? Do you call your local utility? Do you investigate your community breaker b...

TOR158: Why Getting Feedback (Should Be) The Expected Thing To Do with Dennis Whittle

July 18, 2017 08:00 - 42 minutes - 33.8 MB

I’d like to start today’s episode with a quick, informal poll. Ask yourself: as a social sector professional, do you regularly receive calls or emails from the people who you’re trying to help where they ask - with great anticipation - about when the next version of your project or programme will be released? While this regularly happens for other sectors, like mobile phones, automobiles, and fashion, for the vast majority of us in the social sector, the answer to this question is, emphati...

TOR157: How Crowdfunding Is Shifting The Financial Landscape For The Social Sector with Jason Best

June 27, 2017 08:00 - 45 minutes - 36.2 MB

If there is any one question I get asked more than any other from professionals in the social sector, it is some variation of this: “How do I raise money for my organization, cause or program?” And, there is usually a quick follow up that goes something like, “and, how do I raise money sustainably?” Fundraising, marketing, business development, sales… call it what you want… will always be the greatest problem for the social sector. The reason I know this is because it remains the greatest ...

TOR156: Designing Products For Underserved Populations with Krista Donaldson of D-Rev

June 20, 2017 03:19 - 44 minutes - 43.6 MB

A great deal of the actual “work” delivered in the social sector comes in the form of services. Of these services, the lowest hanging fruit is skill building, often known as capacity building. But there are, of course, many other flavors of services - everything from helping to draft policies and plans, to the know-how behind running a power grid, to mapping service centers for at-risk youth. My point here is that delivering services is a tried and tangible means for getting your hands dirty...

TOR155: Empowering Legacy Cities with Lev Gonick of DigitalC

June 13, 2017 08:00 - 53 minutes - 43 MB

As you may have noticed over the past few months, I’ve been talking more and more about the “social sector.” As I’m sure you’ll have assumed, this has been intentional on my part to begin to reach out beyond my comfort zone of humanitarian aid and international development to the wider community of social actors; people who consider themselves social entrepreneurs, philanthropists and even intrapreneurs who see opportunity within their existing companies and organization to make change that ...

TOR154: Understanding Blended Financing with Joan Larrea of Convergence

June 06, 2017 15:56 - 48 minutes - 38.9 MB

For as long as I have been a social sector professional, there has always been a desire to do more partnering with the “private sector.” And, by that I mean traditional, for profit or commercial enterprises like Coke, Toyota or Airbus. In fact, 14 years ago, the capstone project of my Masters degree at American University was, I’m not kidding, “The Role of The Private Sector in Conflict Resolution.” My point here is that this is not a new topic by any stretch. No matter how you’d like to a...

TOR153: Defragmenting agricultural markets with Jason Wendle of the Rural and Agricultural Finance Learning Lab

May 30, 2017 08:00 - 42 minutes - 33.9 MB

Because I am something of a super geek, and what I like to think of as the new-old guard (I mean, I had a TRS-80 in my house growing up), when I hear the term "defragment," the first thing I think of is hard drives. Fortunately, for everyone's sake, that's not what we are here to talk about today. Instead on today's 153rd Terms of Reference Podcast, I speak with Jason Wendle. He is the Director of the Rural and Agricultural Finance Learning Lab, which focuses on identifying more and better f...

TOR152: Embracing Failure And Iteration To Find Sustainable Solutions In The Social Sector with Nithya Ramanathan of Nexleaf Analytics

May 22, 2017 15:45 - 46 minutes - 37.1 MB

How much do we really embrace failure in the social sector? I ask this question because, as someone who has been lucky enough to be a part of the evaluation revolution over the past decade, embracing failure at an institutional level still remains elusive. Organizations and individuals alike still remain reluctant to lay bare the shortcomings of their efforts for a number of reasons that go well beyond just the fear of losing donor funding or having a black mark on your CV. Unfortunately, ...

TOR 151: Disrupting Existing Silos Of The Social Sector with Tim France of Inis Communication

May 16, 2017 08:30 - 52 minutes - 41.8 MB

One of my favorite things about data analysis is when trends emerge unexpectedly. So often, when sifting through data we find exactly what we’re looking for. But its those moments when we’re presented with something unusual that are the real special event. This holds for why I love the monitoring and evaluation process in the social sector. So often I start an assignment with a client with a “view” about what will result from the research, only to find that after weeks - or more often months...

TOR150: Testing The Assumptions Of The Social Sector With Chris Blattman Of The University of Chicago

May 09, 2017 08:30 - 44 minutes - 36 MB

Professor Chris Blattman is the Ramalee E. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies at The University of Chicago, at the Harris School of Public Policy, as well as a research associate at National Bureau of Economic Research, among many other things. He's a heavyweight in the world of understanding what works - and more importantly what doesn't - in aid and development. As you'll hear on the show, Chris thinks he's a professor because he was a failed development professional. This is a...

TOR149: Rethinking the social sector with Paula Kravitz of the Social Progress Imperative

May 02, 2017 01:34 - 51 minutes - 41 MB

There is a beautiful simplicity to the commercial sector. Anyone can create products and services that satisfy a real or perceived need in whatever market(s) they want. Then, with the right marketing and (hopefully) added value from the "better mousetraps" people create, the business can realize a profit. And that, ultimately, is the measure of your success. Unfortunately, finding the same simplicity in the social sector is difficult. While social enterprises, non profits and charities are ...

TOR148: How To Leverage Scale And Experience With Jamey Butcher of Chemonics

April 24, 2017 17:16 - 50 minutes - 40.3 MB

We’ve be fortunate enough to have guests on this show from across the entire spectrum of the social sector and from around the world. One of the common issues we’ve talked about is resource scarcity and how that presents both unique opportunities for innovation and challenges in terms of programming, priorities and management. Today, we’re going to look at the other side of the coin and discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with an organization that’s focused on helping solve...

TOR147: Balancing The Scales For Local Communities With Flaviano Bianchini of Source International

April 17, 2017 21:21 - 32 minutes - 26.3 MB

Let's say you woke up tomorrow to the sound of someone knocking at your door. And, when you answer, the person standing outside politely explained that they were a representative of a energy company that had recently acquired the rights to extract the natural gas in the area. Oh, and a great deal of that resource happens to be located under your house. Or, what if you were able to track changes in the water your community uses for drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning physically change o...

TOR146: How AI And Machine Learning Prove The Journey Is More Important Than The Destination With Dr. Kenneth Stanley

April 11, 2017 07:15 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

How obsessed are you with goal setting? I mean seriously - if you've been living on planet earth you know that, those invested in the science of achievement, have done an incredible of not only convincing, but actually getting us as a whole to adopt goal setting as a lifestyle. And, full disclosure, I am not only a living, breathing product of this paradigm, but I'm also one of its loudest proponents (at least in my mind). Goal setting has become something of an absolute in the design of p...

TOR145: High Tech Humanitarians With Giulio Coppi

April 04, 2017 03:09 - 44 minutes - 35.3 MB

Two very common themes in the aid and development community are “resource scarcity” (some even call this resource starvation) and “locally driven solutions.” The particular resource scarcity I am referring to is a lack of funding. This is a conversation you cannot avoid, because the challenges always seem to be greater than the available pools of money, and one that, unfortunately, will only become more acute as we navigate the age of Trump and the new populism. Locally driven solutions ...

TOR144: Innovation To Disrupt Supply Chains With Andrew Lamb Of Field Ready

March 28, 2017 04:22 - 46 minutes - 37 MB

While we live in a world of unprecedented prosperity for many, we also live in a world that is experiencing unprecedented levels of humanitarian crisis. You know the examples: protracted violent conflicts, devastation caused by earthquakes or hurricanes, the specters of famine or disease outbreak... unfortunately the list goes on and on. The good news is that we have a humanitarian community that does a fantastic job of responding to these crises with the resources available to them. In la...

TOR143: Effectively Communicating Social Impact With Angus Hervey Of Future Crunch

March 21, 2017 08:30 - 41 minutes - 33.5 MB

We've had a lot of change makers on this show over the past two years - people and organizations that are redefining old systems and creating new products and processes that demand completely new ways of thinking about how we serve those in need. Across these interviews, one of the factors critical to the success of any endeavor is the ability to communicate effectively. This skill not only entails the ability to bring facts and evidence to the table, but to weave these into a narrative that...

TOR142: Creating An Innovation Mindset With Corrine Gray Of UNHCR

March 14, 2017 08:30 - 42 minutes - 33.9 MB

One reason that innovation has become one of those words that you just cannot escape in social impact, is the fact that the institutions that have occupied this space for the bulk of history are the anthesis of what we would consider "shiny new objects." But really, if we sit back and think about it, for many (and maybe most, or even all) of them, the rapid or constant change that we associate with innovation is actually the exact opposite of what these institutions we're built to achieve. S...

TOR141: The Power Of The Impact Evaluation Revolution With David Evans Of The World Bank

March 07, 2017 09:30 - 47 minutes - 38.1 MB

I invite you to pause just for a second and take a moment to think about the last time you changed your mind about something. Specifically, I'd like for you to identify something that was either very important to you or your worldview, or something that you had taken for granted, that today you have either the complete opposite or at least a very different perspective on. Got it? Now ask yourself, what was it that made you change your mind? And, again specifically, what evidence did you un...

TOR140: Communicating Effectively At Scale About Human Exploitation With Tara Dermott Of IOM X

February 23, 2017 17:41 - 52 minutes - 42.1 MB

So, imagine for a moment that you're a college student getting ready to spend a summer working internationally. Maybe in a hotel in a tropical resort, or as an eco tour guide, or maybe helping teach children in an orphanage. The options are almost limitless if you look hard enough. This is exciting stuff! So, now your bags are packed, you've said goodby to mom and dad and you're on the plane. But, when you land at your destination, it turns out to be nothing at all like what you expected. Yo...

TOR139: Investing In An Integrated Approach To Development With Patrick Fine Of FHI 360

February 21, 2017 03:19 - 50 minutes - 69 MB

The challenges faced by communities in developing contexts around the world are anything but simple. Climate change, protracted conflict, gender issues, food scarcity, natural resource management... these and the hundreds of other topics that development professionals work on everyday are complex by their very nature. Working effectively within these complex system requires an integrated approach that considers the many factors affecting a community, all at the same time. As one, off the c...

TOR138: How To Create Lasting Change At Scale With Dr. Kevin Starr Of The Mulago Foundation

February 14, 2017 04:53 - 36 minutes - 29.6 MB

Do you ever have the feeling that your work in the Social Impact sector is akin to "plowing the sea?" That is - despite all of the time and effort you've put into your particular program or project, the effects are less than expected or, worse, completely disappear in a relatively short time? This was a lament of Rainer Arnhold, a pediatrician who, despite having helped countless children around the world and dedicating his life to serving others, felt that his work had not produced lasting ...

TOR137: Supporting Social Impact Through Digital Strategies With Christopher Wolz

February 07, 2017 09:30 - 32 minutes - 25.9 MB

If you're listening to this podcast, you're clearly a part of the digital revolution. Social media is a part of your life. Blogging may even be something you do. And... you even have a host of expectations about what minimum requirements you have for a job or an organization regarding your interaction with all things interweb. But how do we align this increasingly frenetic universe of digital options to ensure that they support the social impact we want to create? Enter Chris Wolz as my gu...

TOR136: Coordinating ICT4D at UNICEF with Sean Blaschke

January 30, 2017 09:46 - 51 minutes - 41.6 MB

Would you agree with me that it is easy to become overwhelmed - in general? If I'm honest, which I always try to be, it actually pains me that this reality is, well, a reality. But, the truth of the matter is we are all a part of this brave new world where information, opinions, new ideas and old obligations are hurtling at us with both unprecedented speed and in abundant volume. So what, then, do you do, when its you're job to coordinate the implementation of innovation - of new solutions...

TOR135: Ignitia With Sable Bender

January 24, 2017 03:12 - 38 minutes - 31.2 MB

Have you ever stopped to think about how many things in your life depend on the weather? Everything from your mood to your travel plans to whether or not you'll get to wear that awesome brand new pair of blue suede shoes you've been dying to show off. The weather is also, of course, important for farmers. Being able to predict when it will rain (or not) could mean the difference between raising a successful crop or ending up with a field of dead plants. For farmers outside of the tropics, ...

TOR134: Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) At UW Information School With Chris Coward

January 17, 2017 09:30 - 40 minutes - 32.8 MB

What do libraries have to do with innovation for aid and development? Total honest answer from my side: when I was doing my research for the 134th Terms of Reference Podcast, I knew there would be high value in a conversation with Chris Coward - who is the co-founder, Principal Research Scientist, and Director of the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) at the University of Washington - but I had no idea that our conversation would be such a fun, far ranging and wild ride. From TASHA'...

TOR133: Design Thinking For Social Impact At Dalberg With Ravi Chhatpar

January 10, 2017 09:30 - 35 minutes - 28.7 MB

I have a confession to make: I'm fairly certain I under-appreciate design. Especially design as the cultural phenomenon it has become in everything from mobile phones to toilets. If you're paying attention to the same types of feeds as me, (you probably need to get out more) you know that design, as a critical practice for success, has come into its own in a massive way over the past 10 years - ever since Apple took over the hardware space in technology. My guest today for the 133rd Terms ...

TOR132: Representing The U.S. Department Of State In Silicon Valley With Zvika Krieger

January 04, 2017 06:43 - 44 minutes - 42.8 MB

I always get excited at the beginning of a new year. I think here is something important about moments like these that allow us a collective opportunity to not only enjoy time with friends and family, but also take stock of where things stand, and what we might like to change. While I remain humbled that you're now listening to the 132nd episode we're publishing here on TOR, I've also spent the closing of last year receiving feedback, working with our team and getting energized for how we wi...

TOR131: Young1ove with Noam Angrist

December 20, 2016 09:30 - 34 minutes - 27.6 MB

One of the things I love the most about the stories here on the Terms of Reference Podcast is listening to the always incredible, but retrospectively obvious, paths which have lead all of our Aidpreneurs to their current passions. In fact, as I've documented in the eBook "Making It," this is one of the factors that defines those who have created a sustainable and satisfying career in development and humanitarian aid. My guest for the 131st episode of the Terms of Reference Podcast, Noam An...

TOR130: World Food Programme Vulnerability and Analysis Mapping Initiative with Jean-Martin Bauer

December 13, 2016 09:30 - 33 minutes - 26.6 MB

What would you do if your job was to figure out, on a global scale, who doesn't have enough to eat? Or, more importantly, who had insecurity in their life specifically because of food scarcity? Just thinking about the scale of the problem blows my mind a little bit. But then, wait for it, what if you then had to also design and execute interventions that would, to a large degree, address those food security issues. Oh, and did I mention that this is a constantly evolving and changing process...


Joel Selanikio
1 Episode
Krista Donaldson
1 Episode