On this super-duper-late fourth episode of the Terminus podcast, join me as I chat about the recent reveal of who will be the next Doctor (on which there's lots of geeking and cheering from me, of course!) and how one of my favorite classic Doctors is coming to a convention near me next year (and I'll hopefully get to meet him for the first time!). Of course, as promised, there's also the main 'In Defense Of' segments, where I come to the defense of several characters and other bits of fandom I think are often ridiculed unfairly. Admittedly, I sadly didn't have the nicest things to say about Rose Tyler a few times in the episode and while I know she's a bit of a sacred cow in fandom, I feel that many of the characters I talked about were often sacrificed at her altar and put up against her in comparison by the show. So, I argue how those comparisons failed for me. I'm honestly hoping I don't lose any listeners over that, because I know YMMV and everyone gets something different out of different characters, but at the same time, I had to be honest with my opinions. Anyway, this is the longest episode I've done so far, which probably made the timing of it even worse as its running so late due to Life Stuff (I sincerely hope to be back on schedule going forward though). So, anyway, enjoy the ride -- its a bumpy one this month!

Episode 4 – In Defense Of + Greetings to Our New Scottish Overlord:


Table of Contents:

0:00:00 - Opening and Welcome

0:04:38 - Happy Fandom Time!

0:17:34 - In Defense Of: Intro

0:18:30 - In Defense Of: Mickey Smith

0:23:52 - In Defense Of: Jackie Tyler

0:28:57 - In Defense Of: Adam Mitchell (from 'Dalek' & 'The Long Game')

0:36:00 - In Defense Of: Martha Jones

0:45.37 - In Defense Of: Amy Pond

0:52:02 - Words Against Slut-Shaming and Size-Shaming in Fandom

0:54:25 - In Defense Of: Fan Fiction (writing and reading)

0:57:49 - In Defense Of: Outro

0:59:02 - Coming soon on the next episode!

1:00:06 - Goodbye, Thanks, and Outro



+ Email: [email protected]

+ Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nicole-mazza/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast?refid=stpr

+ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/terminus-a-doctor-who-podcast/id666615900

+ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/terminusdwpodcast/ (the social group) or Like Us at: https://www.facebook.com/TerminusDWPodcast

+ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TerminusCast

+ Tumblr: http://terminusdwpodcast.tumblr.com

+ Music Theme:  'Violin Doctor Who Theme' by ViolinistBAKA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozb1lLifBJY)


Happy Fandom Time Links:

+ Con Kasterborous: http://conkasterborous.com/

+ TimeGate: http://www.timegatecon.org/

+ DragonCon: http://www.dragoncon.org/


Other Fun Links Related to the Show:

+ Fanvid: 'What We Had' by cherryice: http://cherryice.livejournal.com/213248.html [use Blip link to stream]

+ Gary Russell's 'Doctor Who: The Inside Story': http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Inside_Story

+ 'Closer to Fine' by etherati: http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=12590 [the '42' fanfic referenced in my podcast]

+ My Doctor Who fanfic (penname: radiantbaby): http://www.whofic.com/viewuser.php?uid=6497

+ 'The Forgotten Doctor' web series: http://www.youtube.com/user/dwtheforgottendoctor



Opening audio clips from the Fifth Doctor serial 'Terminus' and the Tenth Doctor serial 'The Shakespeare Code', copyright BBC. The female robot voice was from '2nd Speech Center' text-to-voice software (http://www.zero2000.com/2nd-speech-center/). 'Doctor Who' theme was by ViolinistBAKA, link provided above.

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