Herein I present a somewhat belated episode, wherein Clara completely steals the show for me, even with her little bit of screen-time in the second part, and, yeah, like a fool I'm just left making grabby hands at the screen for her. And also wherein I randomly have a bit of a go at RTD a few times during the show, which was admittedly not too pretty. I don't know, he just seemed to keep coming up like a bobbing apple or a floating witch (trying to relate things to Halloween with my awkward analogies, yo!) for some reason! I suppose that recording at 6:00 AM after being up all night brings out my...punch-drunk and ranting side, apparently? You've been warned!

Also, there's some bonus chat about polytheism, polyamory, and various other p-words, which, as I was trying a new mic set-up this time around, things all went a bit pear-shaped (another p-word!) and the plosive fixes were unfortunately needed in force, as well as a few other various technical glitches that managed to double (triple?) my usual editing time. Maybe it was all witch's curse? Sed Libera Nos a Malo! (I've obviously been watching too many Hammer Horror films recently).

Anyway, as with this episode, for the next episode I plan on reviewing the Zygon 2-parter together. That episode should hopefully drop by about a week after 'The Zygon Inversion' airs, if all goes to plan. So yeah, you guys subscribing to the Terminus RSS feed on iTunes (or any other fine podcatchers, of course!) might make things a bit easier to follow along, as my schedule has been a bit wonky as of late, as I try to catch up. But of course that's all up to you.

So, anyway, I hope you all will join me for my somewhat sloxicated review 'The Girl Who Died' and 'The Woman Who Lived'. And, as always, glad to have you all aboard. Enjoy the ride!

Episode 14 – The Tide is High: The Girl Who Died and the Woman Who Lived

Table of Contents:
0:00:00 - Opening and Welcome
0:03:14 - Happy Fandom Time
0:12:48 - Discussion of "The Girl Who Died' and 'The Woman Who Lived'
0:53:01 - Coming Soon on the Next Episode! (Plus Goodbye, Thanks, and Outro!)



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+ Music Theme:  'Violin Doctor Who Theme' by ViolinistBAKA (on YouTube)

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Fun Links Related to the Show:
+ Verity! episode #91 (which mentioned this podcast -- squee!)
+ Earth Station Who episode #34 (wherein I lost my podcast virginity chatting about 'The Cold War'!)
+ The Tenth Doctor and Donna return to Doctor Who on Big Finish: Press Release and Pre-order Link!
+ 'The Adventures of Luther Arkwright' Big Finish Audio
+ David Tennant's Richard II Dates Confirmed for New York! (And link to the awesome DVD from his previous performance!)
+ K-9 Movie announced: 'Time Quake'!
+ My 'Three Doctors' Episode and My Seventh Doctor Episode (as mentioned on the podcast)
+ AStore Links to the DVDs of 'The Visitation' and 'Terminus'
+ 'Chiaroscuro' - my Ninth Doctor and Martha fic with Tereleptils and UNIT (Warning: Mature/Adult fic)
+ "The Next Adventure" by such_heights (the River/Lady Christina fic I mentioned)





Opening audio clips from the Fifth Doctor serial 'Terminus' and the Tenth Doctor serial 'The Shakespeare Code', copyright BBC. The female robot voice was from '2nd Speech Center' text-to-voice software. 'Doctor Who' theme was by ViolinistBAKA, link provided above.

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