Last week I talked about my experience of receiving the help

I requested in my visualization. By making my intention known

and creating the energy of expectation that I would get the

results I wanted, I actually got the results I was looking

for. By all appearances, it didn't seem like it was going to

happen but the important thing is to focus only on what you

would like to see happen. Thinking like that doesn't fit what

most people have been taught. Most of the time we feel like

things are done to us and that we have no control over them.

We think about what is and never use the power that is within

us to co-create our reality. I don't believe it is solely up

to each person's thoughts but those thoughts do have an impact.

When you realize that there is what is sometimes referred to

as a web of energy or a matrix and that it connects everything

in the universe, it is easier to understand the importance of

thoughts and the message that you send out into that matrix.

You do get a response to your intentions and requests for help.