You do not literally see feelings or thoughts but they

are real and active-causing an effect in the physical.

They are energy and that is what your body is made of.

If we were taught to work with the body's energy as we

grew up, it would seem normal. Why is it that you grow

up thinking it's ok to stick a needle full of a toxic

solution through your skin. The solution disappears from

your sight with the purpose of threatening your immune

system and tricking it into building up a defense. To me,

that seems like an odd and barbaric thing to do yet it was

considered normal as I grew up because I was taught to

believe was necessary for health.

As I studied on my own and learned of the discoveries

of people like Dr. Bruce Lipton, I have become acclimated

to the idea that the body is made up of energy. I have

discovered that I can work with every goal from health to

finances to relationships at the source of the problem-

the energy that makes up the problem. And amazingly, I

have discovered it works. Yes, sticking a needle full

of toxins does work in some cases but so does working with

the body's energy. I have learned to look beyond what I

have been taught is normal to see if there are other

solutions. I have found that there are other things

that work.

Quite often, I have found it to be literally impossible to

permanently change the way I feel when negative things

come up so they aren’t reoccurring. I have experimented

with different tools over the years in an attempt to change

my emotional state and remove the negative thoughts from

coming to my mind. I think it is necessary to do some type

of energy work to remove the source of the negative self

talk or thoughts so you aren’t just burying them. To do that

you have to reach to the level of the unseen. You have to

get to the place where memories are stored and reprogram

the information there.