We've kicked around the idea of the commentator in previous episodes - the idea that we all have this running dialogue going on inside that is a mix of emotions and thoughts about our lives and what we are engaged at in the moment.  

While the commentator can help us make decisions and steer us away from things that aren't good for us, it can become a bit of an invisible barrier to our growth and personal development both in the sport of tennis and in our outside lives.  

The internal commentator can interfere (as a student) with our acquisition, processing, and practice of newly received information.  It can also interfere (as a coach) with our interpretation (of a students skill level), our forceful teaching (will to conquer) of specific concepts, and our ignorance of the pace at which the student needs to proceed in order to acquire these new skills.  

In this episode we arrive at one problem with the coach/student relationship - projection of the coaches skill/abilities onto the lesser skilled student.  

Have you seen this in yourself?  Are you ok with it or is it time for a change?

Thanks for joining us on our journey!