We often don’t think about diet or nutrition unless we face constant fatigue or are in a health crisis.  And, our social and work cultures reinforce consumption of “food products” and “convenience foods” so we can “do more”, “keep going”, “make our deadlines”, and “cross things off our list”.    

We have all normalized these food products and convenience foods which are rife with chemicals, enriched flour, oils, preservatives, salts, and sugars but we are feeling and seeing the after effects of such a life style.  

But when we visit a tennis club or facility, we enter into a different world in which movement and health are the main part of the program.  The social culture of the tennis club is a perfect fit for seducing club members into selecting a nutrition class that could benefit both their bellies and your bottom line.

In this episode, we use a food documentary film as a jumping off point for encouraging more clubs to include diet and nutrition classes.

Thanks for joining us on our journey!