You were made to make a meaningful difference. Maybe you do it by making people laugh, and helping them escape their problems for a bit. Or perhaps your gift of artistry touches people’s souls through song or paints. Or maybe you simply provide a listening ear, an open heart, a compassionate spirit, or an accepting smile to people. I know some people who make their difference in the privacy of their homes, where only they and God are aware, as they lift people up in prayer, and move spiritual mountains on behalf of the hurting and helpless.  

It doesn’t matter what you are gifted and drawn to do, what matters is that you actually do it. Otherwise, not only do you miss out, but so does the world. Let me tell you a brief story from my own life, that proved to me once again, that honing my raw talents into something truly usable helped me make a meaningful difference. But as I share, don’t just think about me.  

Think about you. What are you made to do? Who are you meant to help? What might you be missing out on if you don’t gather your courage and act on that dream whispering into your soul? 

Just a couple of days ago, I attended a book study group meeting. The group leader, Angela, had invited me to come talk with their growing number of members to discuss how my book, Exceedingly: Spiritual Strategies for Living on Purpose, with Purpose, and for an Abundant Purpose was impacting the them. I arrived a few hours early, so Angela and I could spend some time together first. We had a great time, talking about many aspects of life. Then the group members began to arrive, along with some surprises.  

I was first shocked at the mix of men and women. For some reason, I did not expect that many men would even read Exceedingly, much less be so actively involved in a discussion of the book. I assumed the group consisted almost exclusively of women—boy was I wrong.  

Secondly, once we ate our meal (which was amazing), and started talking, I was struck by the level of emotion among most of those in attendance. Women teared up, but actually, even more of the men did. And the stories that unfolded that night! Some of them brought me to tears. Multiple times as I stood in front of the group, I thought about the privilege of touching lives in this way. I was living my own book out—this was exceedingly, abundantly more than I could have ever imagined or thought! 

When the evening ended, each person lined up and waited patiently for their turn to talk with me. I was again deeply touched, as some spoke in almost a whisper, entrusting their dreams to me, or to tell me how Exceedingly was stirring a renewed desire to discover and live out their purpose. Some even had new stories of recent events that had taken place, because the book had given them the courage to take action in meaningful ways, instead of letting fear hold them back.  

The entire evening was an author’s dream. To meet people face-to-face whose souls are ignited with passion, and who are fired up to go out and make a difference in the world, because of the influence of words you penned through emotional sweat, tears, and blood? Now that’s an amazing moment.  

I’ve also received emails from complete strangers, or read their reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and other online sites, saying things like this line about my book, Getting Through What You Can’t Get Over, “Your book saved my life, I was going to commit suicide, and what you wrote helped me not give up.”  

Or the person who wrote about Exceedingly, “After reading it, I purchased five more copies to study with friends. I read it quickly the first time, over half in the first day, but now I want to go back and absorb it, while discussing the questions at the end of each chapter with my friends.” 

Or the lady at the book study group the other night who said, “It really struck me when I was reading Exceedingly, that I need to quit wasting my life. In chapter 4, you asked two questions: ‘How will I feel if your entire life passes and I reach the end wondering, What if?’ And, ‘What’s the worst thing that happens if I try and fail?’ Now I’m committed to fulfilling my purpose before it’s too late.” (Now you see why I was brought to tears more than once at that meeting.) 

But why do I tell you this?  

Because I want you to know how close I came to never having made the meaningful difference these people are saying I’m making through my books. I came VERY close to letting fear have its way, so that I never took those early steps to pursuing my dream of being a published author. Even though I had dreamed about seeing my name on a book from the time I was a little girl, when it came to actually doing something, the thought caused the blood to rush to my head, and anxiety seemed to grip my heart with its ice-cold claws. Thankfully, I prayed and persisted through. Otherwise, I would not have the honor of impacting other people today. I get to influence people to live out their dreams, like I hope I’m doing for you today.  

I want you to experience the amazing feeling of seeing your dreams come true. I want you to know the thrill of making your meaningful difference. I urge you—do not let fear have its way in your life. Do something. Anything. Within the next 24 hours. Toward the pursuit of your dream. I promise it’s true—you WERE made for more. You WERE made to make a meaningful difference. 


Filling Needs: 

When was the last time you did something proactive toward pursuing your dream? What could you start today that will get you closer to turning your dream into reality? Why do you think you are holding yourself back? 

What is one single step you can take to get you started at making your dream come true?


This episode’s Dream Tending Tips:

Allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like to accomplish your dream. Where would you go? Who would you see? How would others react in positive ways?  When negative images try to play on your mind—shut them down! This is fear’s greatest weapon in trying to hold you back.  Ask the people around you how you are, or can, make a meaningful difference?  Why do you think we are wired to make a meaningful difference? Why does it matter to you? When do you feel the most alive? Is it making people laugh? Listening? Seeing people’s reactions when you use your talents, giftings, and abilities?  If you work for someone else, where can you make a meaningful difference there? Sometimes our talents and dreams are best used right where we already are.  Give yourself permission to live the life of meaning you were made for. Don’t hold back. You can’t go wrong by making it your mission to make a difference. 

I also have some special eBook pricing for you. Type in the code TYDeb50 to get your copy of 4x4 Habit Overhaul, or One Minute Intervals™: Sixty Seconds to a Healthier, Foodier You, or Depression Busters, at over half off the normal price. Purchase a book bundle using the same code, and save even more.  

But ACT NOW, before this special eBook discount offer is gone.  

You can also get autographed copies of any of my books from my website.  

Until next time, remember, your dreams are waiting for you to grab and tend:  

Take courage. 

Excel daily. 

Never stop believing. 

Dare to dream bigger. 

Host Anita Agers-Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at