Let’s talk about invisible drains. Those areas that cost us time, energy, money, and other resources—professionally and personally. Those things you don’t necessarily identify as the true source of your anger, frustration, hardships, challenges, hurts, or pain. So what are they and how can you start plugging them? 

Some of the more common invisible drains I’ve identified relate to our bodies, minds, and spirits. And whether you are a dream-tender who’s looking to improve your overall existence, are an entrepreneur ready to go to the next level, or need to plug seepage at your place of work, identifying your invisible drains is the first place to start. 

Physical Issues: Why is it so easy for us to become couch potatoes? I don’t know, but I do know that taking care of ourselves is necessary if we want to tend our dreams long term. If we don’t do what’s best for our bodies, we’ll soon feel the consequences of that invisible drain. 

Sometimes, physical issues go even deeper. In the past few years, I’ve developed serious thyroid problems, and I’m working on plugging that drain. (I’ll share my thyroid protocol on a later show.) But the point is, I refuse to spend my life metaphorically paralyzed by a physical impairment. Look at all of the people who are literally paralyzed, but continue to inspire the rest of us with their positive attitudes.

No matter what state we’re in, we can make a difference by choice, in spite of the uncontrollable. If a physical issue is hindering your ability to tend your dreams, look at how you’re reacting to it, that may very well be your greatest invisible drain. Are there ways to work around your ailments? Can you do less until you’re strong enough to do more? Is there a greater purpose hidden in your pain? 

Emotional/Mental Issues: Childhood conditioning is an invisible drain for most of us. Do you ever slow down to consider why you do what you do and how you go about your days? Our mental self-talk often mimics voices from our pasts.

Another common invisible drain comes from efforts to juggle the projects, people, and processes in our lives. Do you strive to people-please? Do you feel pressure to get more done? Do you beat yourself up because of your reactions? Do you expend volumes of time and energy wishing life was easier?

Simply understanding the root causes of our thoughts can provide welcome deliverance. Realizing the “why” behind what we do can relieve our anxious concerns. And sometimes, without realizing it, we have unresolved grief that needs attention, so we can be set free from ghosts of our past.

Spiritual Issues: There are soul-deep places that can leave us longing for more out of life. If we attend to our bodies and minds, but fail to consider our spirits, we will eventually find our dreams falling flat. We can lose the drive, the desire, and the passion to continue, if our spirits are not fed.

What does that look like for me? I find spending time outdoors to be one of the most energizing activities for my spiritual needs. There’s something about watching the squirrels play, seeing the greens, browns, and bright colors displayed on earth and the heavens, hearing the birds sing, feeling the breeze on my face, and breathing in the scents of nature, that infuses my soul with peace.

Another spiritual practice I’ve developed is meditation. Finding a place of solitude, silence, and in my case, soaking up scripture. Listening to God as well as speaking to Him in a private space.


Filling Needs: 

Personality Issues: Our unawareness of exactly how we’ve been wired that makes us who we are, drives our preferences, and creates chaos and craziness when we don’t get what we want.

For instance, just as a tiny summary of my teachings as a certified personality trainer, I can tell you this: 

There are Popular Personalities whose life filter is having fun. They want at least a little fun in every day, and if there isn’t any, they do their best to lighten things up. But beware, if their fun-meter gets broken, they are not very fun to be around.

Powerful Personalities are driven to do things fast. They always have a long to-do list, either mentally or in black and white, that motivates them and helps them motivate others to get more done. But if they don’t get to check things off that list, watch out! 

Perfect Personalities need things done right. Their philosophy is, “What’s the point if you aren’t going to do it right?” They analyze and organize the rest of us in hopes of getting us on board with their better ways. But beware of their backlash when people cut corners, rush, or disregard details.

Peaceful Personalities want an easy existence. No pressure, no discomfort, no conflict, that’s their preferred way of getting through life. They often step up to help their fellow man or woman, but don’t understand why others have a hard time keeping it simple and letting things roll. If they feel blindsided, cornered, or drawn into conflict, prepare for immediate shut-down. 

Because this is such a big subject, I’m going to make this week’s episode part one and share part two on my next release. So tune in, to discover more ways of identifying and plugging the invisible drains stealing the life out of your dreams. 

Identifying and plugging invisible drains can revive, refuel, and restart your dream tending energy.


This episode’s Dream Tending Tips:

If you are physically weak, you will have less strength to tend your dreams. But physical weakness does not guarantee dream destruction.  Look for creative ways to work around bodily impairments if necessary. Never forget that tending our dreams is as much about what we do in our minds, as anything we do physically. What self-talk do you need to plug? How are you plugging emotional/mental drains with ongoing encouragement and hope? Spiritual issues can kick the legs out from under your dreams. Pay attention to your soul-deep needs and feed your spirit what it requires. Where can you go to fill your soul? What practical areas are draining you? Financially? Broken processes? Lack of training?  Personality preferences are needs, not just wants, so learn to understand what your intrinsic drivers are.  Identify YOUR invisible drains. What are those areas that are costing you time, energy, money, and other resources? How can you start plugging them?

Grab the Tending Your Dreams’ free giveaway at tendyourdreams.com/freebie31 for your gift, just for tuning in. I also have some special eBook pricing for you.

Type in the code TYDeb50 to get your copy of 4x4 Habit Overhaul, or One Minute Intervals™: Sixty Seconds to a Healthier, Foodier You, or Depression Busters, at over half off the normal price. Purchase a book bundle using the same code, and save even more.

But ACT NOW, before this special eBook discount offer is gone.

Until next time, remember, your dreams are waiting for you to grab and tend:

Take courage. 

Excel daily. 

Never stop believing. 

Dare to dream bigger. 

Host Anita Agers Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at tendyourdreams.com.