More than just complaining when he saw areas of frustration in the emergency services field, Darren Dake did something about it. His dream is to educate and encourage those who serve and protect, those who help and heal. Darren is a dream-tender, a tend-talker, and a dream-doer, and he lives by two principles. 

Find out where it’s raining and lay down a tarp. Take all of your passions and giftings, and develop them into something that helps others—this often reveals a motivating business or other life-long endeavor.

As a long term dream-tender, Darren understands that what you set your mind to will determine what you choose, which in turn, will alter your reality. He learned a long time ago to be careful about what he sets his sights on. 

As he shares what his eighteen-year-old self dreamed about and tried, we see how his quest ultimately led him to discover his true interests. He didn’t allow disappointment to take root, but instead, learned lessons from setbacks and failures, and allowed his talents to guide him to his true calling.  

Darren works with departments and agencies of all sizes, training and speaking often to large groups and conferences. But he has a special heart for the over 21,000 police departments with only ten officers or less, EMT’s and paramedics with tiny budgets, the volunteer firefighters, 911 operators in cramped quarters, and the coroner’s office operating with only one or two people. He helps leaders and their teams, no matter how large or small, determine what their strengths are, and educates them on how to further develop them to do a more effective job.  

As Darren Dake well knows, none of us gets to do what we like or are the best at, all of the time, but sacrifices are necessary, in order to tend your dreams. We can learn disciplines and methods, from doing what challenges us, that propel us even further toward where we ultimately want to go. Other people can also help us move faster and more efficiently.  

We all need influencers, encouragers, and inspirers to guide us toward our dreams. There will always be people who are two steps ahead of you, who can answer questions, show you the way, and lead you even further than you could go alone. But conversely, there will always be people two steps behind, who you can teach, reach, and show. Pouring into others makes your dreams worth tending. 


Filling Needs:

Are you so narrowed in on how you think your dream should look, that you’re missing deeper layers or inflections or details you are drawn to, that might allow you to fill a niche? Who have you sought out who can teach you more about tending your dreams?  Who are you mentoring and supporting?

Remember the two-step rule: there are people ahead of you who can help, and people coming behind that you can encourage. 


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips:

Look for a lack and listen for complaints—what can YOU do something about?  When you feel frustrated by what others overlook, you may be the one called to enact a change or give voice to the issue. Who are the people you can relate to naturally, without much effort? This may be evidence pointing to your dream-tending destiny.  What can you help empower and heal? Is this kind of difference a dream you can pursue? Be open to a dream off-shoot or branch, as you follow your passion. Life can surprise you and reveal opportunities you never imagined, so don’t narrowly define your own options.  Don’t lose yourself as you navigate expectations, emotions, and necessary demands in order to tend your dreams. Unify your efforts with others who share your passions. Engage with people who feel strongly about similar or same dreams.  Monitor your motives daily: Am I considering other people’s needs and how they feel? Are my drives and ambitions other’s focused, or are they solely about me? Remember, if you don’t chase your dream, no one’s going to give it to you!

To find out more about Darren Dake and the book, CODE: Living Healthy, Happy and Whole Submerged in Tragedy, Trauma and Death, find him on social media and check out his websites,, or  

Grab the Tending Your Dreams’ free giveaway at for your gift, just for tuning in. I also have some special eBook pricing for you.  

Type in the code TYDeb50 to get your copy of 4x4 Habit Overhaul, or One Minute Intervals™: Sixty Seconds to a Healthier, Foodier You, or Depression Busters, at over half off the normal price. Purchase a book bundle using the same code, and save even more. 

But ACT NOW, before this special eBook discount offer is gone.  

Until next time, remember, your dreams are waiting for you to grab and tend:  

Take courage. 

Excel daily. 

Never stop believing. 

Dare to dream bigger. 

Host Anita Agers Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at